Friday, May 25, 2007

The Garden of Eden and Foreign Policy

I read an interesting analysis once, that compared how the west perceives itself to the Garden of Eden myth. Nature is in balance, until Adam takes the forbidden fruit (insert Adam joke here) and then things get all screwed up. Well in Foreign Policy we tend to have an assumption that other cultures are natural and Imperialism and Colonialism screwed things up. In reality all these other cultures are products of practicing Imperialism or having it practiced on them (by Non-Westerners). For example Saudi Arabia has run one of the most successful Imperialism campaigns in recent history. Their Wahhabism strain of Islam which was confined to Saudi Arabia and considered radical and fringe fifty years ago, is now mainstream and dominant within Islam in most countries. They've done this through pure Imperialism, training Imams, building Mosques, setting up Institutes, giving scholarships etc. A campaign of Imperialism not for money or land but religious thought. Perhaps since many people in the west think they are the Imperialists (even though the West is the first in history to essentially bring an end to it) it goes against their narrative of history to recognize others as Imperialists.

1 comment:

Newtestleopard said...

So Adam and a Squirrel Walk into a bar..."Ouch""Ah Nuts"