Sunday, February 14, 2010

How does the fall of Rome apply to Today?

1 comment:

upsidedownjim said...

These articles not directly related to points in the article but I found interesting:

An explanation on how the 2011 budget starts to put the US back on a sustainable economic path:

On why health-care reform is so important:

I do think the decline of the US is caused by a lack of progress in their politics. They knew 30 years ago what the issues of today would be and have continually kicked-the-can to the next administration, without solving or addressing the problems.

Also, the article seems to indicate that people at Wal-Mart on food stamps are a greater cause of the decline than the excessive greed on Wal-Street, that lead to the current Great Recession, the loss of $1 trillion of wealth and their dependence on tax payer money to bail them out. Which were needed or the recession would have been much more severe and last a lot longer. (re: Japan lost decade)

Not to mention the fact that over the last decade wages have dropped, and not kept up with inflation, health-care costs rise for both business and individuals, reducing the amount of money for business and personal investment.

Rant over..need breakfast.